Let's go bowling with OO
To compare with my previous post: bowling_scorer_oo.rb
I don’t like this version as much.
How would YOU do it?
To compare with my previous post: bowling_scorer_oo.rb
I don’t like this version as much.
How would YOU do it?
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class BowlingScorer def score(balls, frames = 10) return frames == 0 ? 0 : score_function(balls[0], balls[1]).call(balls) + score(balls, frames - 1) end protected Component = Struct.new(:condition, :number_to_score, :number_to_shift) ConditionIsTrue = lambda {|x| x[0].call } def score_function(s1, s2) p = Component.new *[ [ lambda { s1 == 10}, 3, 1], # Strike [ lambda { s1 + s2 == 10}, 3, 2], # Spare [ lambda { true }, 2, 2] # Default ].find(&ConditionIsTrue) return join_return_first(score_frame(p.number_to_score), multi_shift(p.number_to_shift)) end def score_frame(n) lambda {|balls| n ? balls[0..n-1].inject(0) {|a, g| a + g } : 0 } end def multi_shift(count) lambda {|x| count.times { x.shift } } end end scorer = BowlingScorer.new scorer.score([10] * 11) # => 300 scorer.score([5] * 21) # => 150 |
Full source and tests – bowling_scorer.rb
EDIT: Refactored BowlingScorer#score_function