They’re in the same vein as what I’ve been posting here, so worth a read if you’ve been digging it.
The US tour kicks off this Saturday in San Francisco, and there’s still a couple of spots available. You can still register over at
“Your Database Is Your Friend” training sessions are happening throughout the US and UK in the coming months. One is likely coming to a city near you. For more information and free screencasts, head on over to
Here is a short 4 minute screencast in which I show you how the acts as state machine (AASM) gem fails in a concurrent environment, and also how to fix it.
It’s a pretty safe bet that you want to obtain a lock before all state transitions, so you can use a bit of method aliasing to do just that. This gives you much neater code than the quick fix I show in the screencast, just make sure you understand what it is doing!
classActiveRecord::Basedefself.obtain_lock_before_transitionsAASM::StateMachine[self].events.keys.each do |t| define_method("#{t}_with_lock!") do transaction do lock! send("#{t}_without_lock!")endend alias_method_chain "#{t}!", :lockendendendclassTractor# ... aasm_event :buydo transitions :to => :bought, :from => [:for_sale]end obtain_lock_before_transitionsend
This is a small taste of my DB is your friend training course, that helps you build solid rails applications by finding the sweet spot between stored procedures and treating your database as a hash. July through September I am running full day sessions in the US and UK. Chances are I’m coming to your city. Check it out at